“Women Entrepreneurs in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises”

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K.Anupama, Rashmi Dhodapkar, Archana A Ramesh


Most people consider women to be homemakers who are not really interested in business or the economy. In the social sciences as well as in general society, the subject of women in entrepreneurship has received very little attention. In addition to having lower rates of entrepreneurship participation than males, women also typically choose to launch and run businesses in distinct industries from those that men typically do. It's not an easy move to go from homemaker to well-educated businesswoman. However, this image is evolving. Women are becoming more and more entrepreneurs in modern India, particularly in micro, small, and medium-sized businesses. In India, more and more women are expressing a desire for financial independence. Indian women are no longer viewed as stunning centerpieces. They have made a name for themselves in a world where men predominate. Indian women are adept at handling the responsibilities of running the home and making deadlines at work.

Economic growth and gender equality go hand in hand. Even though the process of becoming an entrepreneur is the same for men and women, women often face a variety of obstacles that limit their ability to reach their full potential. These obstacles can vary in scope and severity. This study article's main goal is to ascertain the situation of women entrepreneurs in India. In addition to analysing the Indian government's initiatives for women, this article discusses the issues and difficulties experienced by female entrepreneurs.

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