Mission Statement

The Journal of Informatics Education and Research for Finance and Insurance publishes leading edge research on the different insurance and mortgage products available in the market today. It has grown to become the most widely cited journal across the different the publications on insurance and mortgages.  

We are especially known for our expertise in reverse mortgages and we have published many issues specifically on this subject.

The Journal has 8,000 subscribers and each issue reaches out to an audience composed of insurance agents, mortgage brokers and different financial institutions. This publication reaches out to other finance professionals and interested readers across the United States. Published twice a year, the Journal of Informatics Education and Research for Finance and Insurance is the official publication of the American Institution For Research On Mortgage And Insurance.   

These are our main objectives:

  • Give readers a chance to be associated with persons with an interest and expertise in finance and mortgages.
  • Improve the public’s understanding of their own financial problems and an appreciation of the different finance products available as solutions.
  • Provide an avenue for the exchange of financial ideas through reader feedback
  • Encourage the study of finance, specifically mortgages and insurance in the different colleges and universities.

Our Mission  

The Journal of Informatics Education and Research for Finance and Insurance aims to provide outstanding information to each of our subscribers. We put the time and effort into our research to providing leading edge information on mortgage and insurance. The information we provide gives our subscribers backbone information for cost-effective solutions to financial problems. 

Our Team  

The team of the Journal of Informatics Education and Research for Finance and Insurance is compose of industry professionals who have a keen understanding on the mortgage and insurance. We have a number of writers and editors that served very prominent positions in the reverse mortgage industry. The articles we publish are based on thorough research based on current statistics. Our research is complemented by a keen understanding on the mortgage and insurance industry. This, to us, is the winning formula of journal publication.