Analyzing the Role of Social Media Analytics in Evaluating Government Policies: A Case of “Make in India”

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Anil Kumar, Subhabaha Pal


In the era of digitalization customer’s expectation is changing continuously so it’s become very difficult to analyze the impact of products, services & policies so social media play an important role because in today’s life no one have enough time to read all the tweets in detail and take the decision that may be a individual, organisation or government. In this study we analyze the behaviour, emotions, attitude and sentiment of the twitter users throughout the world those speak about the “Make in India” campaign using social media analytical tools. The data gathered for this research is scraped from the twitter in the form of tweets as ‘CSV’ file. The sentiment analysis is done through the R-Studio that represents the 10 different parameters related to the tweets and pictorial visualization of replied words in the word cloud that generated automatic by R-Studio. The objective of the study is to analyze the behaviour and views of the people towards this campaign and to know how much they support and like. This will help the individual, organisation, government and government agencies to know the satisfaction level of the citizens towards various product and social security schemes and this also help to managers, bureaucrats and ministers for gauge the success in their decisions and make suitable modification.

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