Corporate Social Responsibility's Effect on Customer Behavior and Brand Equity

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Sonia, Bikram Paul Singh Lehri, Ch. Lakshmana Rao, Bestoon Othman, K G Raja Sabarish Babu, Christabell Joseph


This study investigates the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on customer behaviour and brand equity. Through a thorough examination of existing literature and analysis of secondary data, this study delves into the impact of CSR initiatives on consumer purchase intentions, brand loyalty, and overall brand equity. The key findings of the study highlight the significant impact of CSR activities on customer engagement and brand reputation, both of which play a vital role in enhancing market performance. Based on the findings, it is evident that consumers are more inclined towards brands that prioritize social and environmental responsibilities. This inclination results in increased purchase intentions and a stronger sense of brand loyalty. In addition, CSR initiatives play a crucial role in building a strong brand image and establishing credibility, both of which are vital for brand equity. Companies can enhance customer relationships, bolster their reputation, and gain a competitive edge by incorporating CSR into their business strategies. This study highlights the significance of CSR in contemporary business practices and its ability to enhance both customer satisfaction and business success.


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