Analysis of Women Hormonal Disorder on Behaviour and Work Productivity with Special Reference to PCOS and Mensural Issues in Rajasthan

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Reema Singh, Shweta Bhatia, Tanuja Jain, Megha Nagelia


Menstrual health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in relation to the menstrual cycle.

Menstrual issues, though, one of the important physical and mental milestones in a woman’s life, many women lack information about what is taking place and what are their options.

Feminine health and hygiene is essential and needs to be maintained everywhere whether at home, workplace, schools and colleges. According to the World Health Organization around 2 billion people still lack access to proper sanitation facilities. It is said that only 16% of women in India have access to sanitary napkins. When we talk about India, another major hurdle is that 82% of female lack knowledge about a sanitary napkin. Now a days, cases of PCOD and pre - menopauses (Rajjnovitri) are increasing tremendously. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) at 31 percent has increased by 42 percent from 2021. Menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, and irregular cycles are common among women at their reproductive age and its impact on their physical, behavior and emotional changes. These disorders affect their normal life routine, social activities and work culture.

Even more so, well educated women are also unaware of healthy hygiene practices during their periods.

The impact of menstruation on women's health manifests itself on different levels. The socio-cultural dimension shows the influence of societal and cultural norm, which regulate the way of dealing with menstruating women. At Present the transition from "healthy menstruation" to "menstruation related diminution of quality of life", to "Menstrual Disease" can be witnessed. Today, 20% females are facing pre-menopause issues and from missed periods to menstrual cramps, the period problems are common but usually are not considered serious. The uneasy and uncomfortable situation may make cranky and can adversely affect health.

In a household, women are the cornerstone of the family’s overall health while neglecting their own need. The present Paper highlights awareness level of females about menstrual issues and PCOS and how to overcome by this for effective and quality life.

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