Revolution in Informatics Medical Education and Research for Health Financing and Health Insurance: Trends in Advancement of Health Technology Safety and Legal Provisions Concerning Medical Malpractices
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Healthcare for the public is really significant and its proper delivery will enhance the protection and care of all people’s. Medical malpractice and negligence on the part of hospital, practitioners and medical staff put in danger the life of patient’s. The current interest in global health has much focused on potentially catastrophic threats to the public’s health which includes- emerging infectious diseases, bioterrorism and chronic diseases caused by human lifestyle for e.g., high-calorie diet, tobacco, and sedentary lifestyle. Healthcare insurance is a key component for saving huge amount on the part of hospital treatment and expenses. Public health law at global and national level focused on the Government’s responsibility to advance the public’s healthcare; The population outlook; Communities participation; Strong organisation, legislative, policies, programs mechanism. The field of law that deals with applying common and statutory law to hygiene and sanitary science concepts is known as public health law. Given the larger priority being put by Indian forums on the value of human life and suffering, perhaps appropriately so, the need for such knowledge is greater than it was in the past. The goal of judicial forums is to strike a cautious balance between the autonomy of a doctor to make decisions and the rights of a patient to be treated fairly, even though they are attempting to identify delinquents and delinquency in cases of medical negligence. In the adjudication process, judicial forums frequently provide doctors with enough latitude and expressly acknowledge the complexity of the human body, the imprecision of medical science, the inherent subjectivity of the process, the real possibility of judgmental error, and the significance of the autonomy of the doctors. The relaxed behaviour by the people, by the hospital authorities and the government officers who check these places has resulted in the relaxed behaviour of the doctors, which is the main reason that the number of cases of medical negligence is increasing. If the common people with the support of the government impose rules on these hospitals and also see to it that these rules are implemented, then there is a chance that the standards of our hospitals would improve and automatically the skill and knowledge of specialized and authorized doctors would be used to the fullest. There must be societal and legal action on the part of the authorities and awareness on the part of the public is required for the proper functioning of the medical practices.