Prismatic View of Transformational Development -Applying A Spiritual Lens

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Richa Sinha, Anamika Pandey


Developmental Transformation represents a paradigm shift in the way development is conceptualized and implemented. Traditionally, development has been viewed primarily through the lens of economic growth and the efficient distribution of resources. This conventional framework emphasizes quantitative metrics such as GDP growth, per capita income, and resource allocation efficiencies. However, this approach often overlooks the deeper, more intrinsic aspects of societal well-being, including the quality of life, equity, and cultural integrity. This paper challenges these traditional metrics of development, advocating for a broader, more inclusive & spiritual approach. It posits that true transformation in development is not merely about enhancing material wealth but involves a profound shift in societal attitudes and structures. This includes rethinking the values that underpin policy decisions, the norms that guide societal behaviour and the institutional frameworks that shape social interactions. Drawing on the rich tapestry of Indian cultural philosophy, particularly the ethos of collective well-being and spiritual richness, this study underscores the potential of these age-old principles to inform and transform contemporary development strategies. Indian philosophy, with its focus on holistic prosperity and an integrated approach to life, offers valuable insights into how societies can evolve in a way that balances material needs with spiritual and communal well-being.

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