Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Management Information System (MIS) in Managerial Decision Making: An Empirical Study of Leading Business Organisation

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Roopal Gangwar, Bidya Dash, Amitabh Nanda, Sheenam Ayyub


Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered Management Information Systems (MIS) have changed the way top Indian companies make decisions about employees. Advanced algorithms and data analytics are used by these systems to quickly and correctly handle huge amounts of data. MIS that uses AI to look at historical data, market trends, and customer behaviour can help managers make better strategic decisions. One big effect is that it makes things more efficient. AI takes over boring jobs, so managers can make important decisions instead. AI can also predict market trends and find possible risks, which helps people make smart decisions ahead of time. Also, AI-driven MIS make it easier to make decisions based on facts. These systems process big datasets in real time and give managers knowledge they can use. This lets them make decisions that help the business grow and be more competitive. AI-enabled MIS also encourages creativity by finding chances to improve processes and make new products. These systems constantly look at data to help managers find new market needs and change their business strategies to meet those needs. Study survey was conducted among 213 people from different business organizations to know the factors that determines the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Management Information System (MIS) on Managerial Decision Making and found that Predictive Analytics, Data Processing and Analysis, Automation of Routine Tasks and Risk Management are the factors that determines the Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enabled Management Information System (MIS) on Managerial Decision Making.

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