Developing AI-powered Training Programs for Employee Upskilling and Reskilling

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K. K. Ramachandran, Aparna Srivastava, Veena Panjwani, Deepak Kumar, N. Rao Cheepurupalli, Chinnem Rama Mohan


This research paper provides an in-depth analysis of the design and implementation of training courses that assist workers in acquiring new skills via the use of artificial intelligence. To adapt to the evolving demands of today's workforce in this highly technology environment is the driving force. This study delves into the groundbreaking potential of using state-of-the-art technology to personalize learning experiences and enhance workplace productivity, drawing on proven theories and models of adult learning, technology adoption, and artificial intelligence integration into education. Studies demonstrate that AI algorithms can successfully provide employees with tailored training programmes that address their specific needs and goals. Data collecting, preprocessing, feature engineering, model building, assessment, and deployment are all parts of the study's approach. With increased organizational agility and competitiveness, as well as higher levels of staff engagement, motivation, and knowledge retention, all positive outcomes were seen. Potential research and innovation avenues suggested in the paper include longitudinal studies, interdisciplinary collaborations, ethical challenges, innovative AI applications, and variables affecting organizational preparation. By contributing to the ongoing discussion around workforce development, this research opens the door for organizations to thrive in the modern digital landscape via the expansion of AI-powered training courses.

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