Human Resource Management Strategies and Teacher Efficiency in Higher Educational Institutions

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Geetanjali Tiwari, Vinay Pal Singh


In higher educational institutions, (HRM) practices play a vital role in shaping the work environment and influencing the efficiency and effectiveness of teachers. The impact of these HRM practices on teacher efficiency can be profound, affecting various aspects of their work lives, job satisfaction, and overall performance. Recruitment and selection processes are critical HRM practices that directly impact teacher efficiency. Institutions that employ rigorous and transparent recruitment processes to identify qualified and motivated candidates are more likely to have a skilled and committed teaching staff. By ensuring a good fit between the institution's values and the individual teacher's capabilities and aspirations, effective recruitment practices lay the foundation for teacher efficiency from the outset. Such initiatives not only enhance teachers' expertise but also boost their confidence and motivation, leading to increased efficiency in teaching, research, and other professional activities. Performance evaluation and feedback mechanisms are another key aspect of HRM practices that influence teacher efficiency. Constructive feedback helps teachers identify their professional development goals and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly, ultimately enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness in the classroom.

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