Digital Transformation of Classroom; Impact of AI and IOT in Educational Sector

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Shripria V, Prem latha Soundarraj, Harish Morwani, Jaimin Jani, Punit Pathak, Subharun Pal


The integration of (AI) and (IoT) in classrooms is a significant development in modern education. It brings out various benefits and challenges. With the growing integration of technology in schools, educators and policymakers must navigate the intricate overlap between traditional teaching methods and new digital tools. An important issue is the need to guarantee fair access to AI and IoT-based educational materials, especially in disadvantaged regions where inequalities in technology infrastructure and resources continue to exist. Furthermore, the apprehensions regarding the protection of student data, the security of information, and the ethical use of AI algorithms in educational environments prompt significant inquiries about safeguarding student information and guaranteeing openness and responsibility in decision-making procedures. Moreover, it is imperative to tackle the deficiency in digital abilities among educators, who may necessitate training and professional growth in order to proficiently incorporate AI and IoT technologies into their instructional methodologies. Moreover, while AI and IoT have the potential to enhance personalized learning experiences and improve student outcomes, there is a risk of overreliance on technology at the expense of critical thinking, creativity, and interpersonal skills. Therefore, it is imperative to carefully evaluate the impact of AI and IoT in the educational sector, considering both the benefits and potential drawbacks, to ensure that digital transformation efforts.

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