Driving Business Growth from Research to Innovation in The Deployment of Business Intelligence

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Dr. Ch Sudipta Kishore Nanda, Dr. R. Naveenkumar, Dr. Sameera Asif Siddiqui
Dr. Supriya Pathak, Uday Pratap Singh, Dr. Varsha Bihade


This research evaluates a company's development and performance based on its intelligence and BI utilization. A study using quantitative poll data from numerous firms examines the relationship between leveraging business knowledge, promoting innovation, and important performance metrics. The findings demonstrate that BI adoption and receptivity to new ideas improve corporate development. Companies that invest heavily in business intelligence (BI) programmes and foster innovation generally outperform their rivals in sales, earnings, and market share. Creative thinking and business knowledge are crucial to corporate success, according to the findings. These gives workers’ suggestions on how to work faster and more creatively. More research, sector-specific analysis, and continuing studies are needed to determine how innovation culture and BI adoption effect firm performance. Finally, this research adds to what is already known about how BI adoption and innovation culture effect firm performance in today's competitive business environment.

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