A Study on HR Analytical Tools and Techniques

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Vidya Nayak, Dr. Shankar Chaudhary, Dr. Chitralekha Kumar


HR Analytics simplifies data collection, interpretation, measurement, and forecasting in organizations by combining statistical techniques for data collection, interpretation, measurement, and forecasting. It aims to enhance the utilization of data analytics in HR management actions, specifically in relation to tools and techniques with reference to employee attrition. Recent literature has reported that implementation of HR analytics helps in identifying employee attrition patterns, hiring timelines, productivity costs, and the impact of learning and development on performance. While the study suggests that a modern, innovative, and competitive workplace is being driven by performance expectations, which is why HR analytics is becoming more and more important in firms, it will also examine the advantages and challenges of HR analytics. This is a theoretical paper, and the purpose of this paper is to study the literature available on HR analytics tools and types of HR analytic techniques. The study is done based on secondary data from published research papers, journals, blogs, and websites from the period of 2017-2023.

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