Digital Media Impact on Employee Communication and HRM Practices

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Nida Sarwar, Kaniz Habiba Afrin, Ramkumar Patnaik, Soumya Ranjan Pattanaik, Naveen Kumar Verma, Sushil Shaw


In the dynamic landscape of modern business, the pervasive influence of digital media has become a transformative force in the realms of employee communication and Human Resource Management (HRM) practices. The ubiquitous nature of advanced communication technologies and the integration of digital platforms have propelled organizations into an era where the traditional paradigms of workplace interaction and human resource administration are being redefined. This research explores the evolving dynamics of human resource management (HRM) in the context of digital media utilization. Through a comprehensive analysis of survey data and case studies, the study investigates the impact of digital media on communication, recruitment processes, and employee engagement strategies within organizations.  The impact of digital media on employee communication and Human Resource Management (HRM) practices is profound, ushering in transformative changes in how organizations engage with their workforce and manage human resources. Digital media provides platforms for instant communication, fostering real-time interactions among employees and between employees and management. Instant messaging, video conferencing, and collaboration tools facilitate quick and efficient communication. Findings indicate a moderate to strong positive impact, highlighting the benefits of leveraging digital tools in HRM practices. A strong positive correlation between perceptions of digital tool effectiveness and satisfaction with their integration in HRM processes underscores the interconnected nature of these aspects. Areas for improvement, particularly in recruitment and employee training, are identified, providing actionable info for organizations seeking to enhance their HRM practices.

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