Role of Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence in Futuristic Marketing Approach: An Empirical Study

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Lakshminarayana.K, Pankaj Kumar, Soummya Chowdhury, Sudhakar Madhavedi


Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be very important in the future of marketing for knowing how people behave and creating personalized experiences. Neuromarketing uses methods from neuroscience to look into people's subconscious minds and figure out what they like and how they make decisions. Neuromarketing is a field that studies how people think about and respond to marketing by looking at things like brain activity, eye movements, and biometric reactions. On the other hand, AI changes marketing by making it possible for predictive analytics, personalised suggestions, and automatic tasks. Machine learning algorithms can look at huge amounts of data to guess how people will act, make marketing strategies more effective, and send personalised material to each person in real time. Chatbots and virtual assistants that are driven by AI make interactions with customers better by giving them instant help and personalised suggestions. Neuromarketing insights and AI capabilities work together to help marketers make campaigns that are both highly targeted and emotionally powerful, which successfully engages customers on a deeper level. Study survey was conducted among 269 people from the marketing department to know the factors that determine different roles of Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence in Futuristic Marketing Approach and found that Understanding Behavior, Personalization and targeting, User Experience Enhancement and Ethical Considerations are the factors that determine different roles of Neuromarketing and Artificial Intelligence in Futuristic Marketing Approach.

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