Explore How Organizations Can Utilize Marketing Techniques To Enhance Employee Engagement

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Dr P Hameem Khan, Priyalakshmi. P, Vigneswar.K, John Lurthu Bosco


Organizations can utilize marketing techniques to enhance employee engagement by applying principles of brand management and communication strategies internally. This involves cultivating a strong employer brand that aligns with the organization's values and culture, effectively communicating this brand to employees through various channels. By treating employees as internal customers, organizations can create targeted messaging that resonates with their interests, motivations, and aspirations. This includes utilizing storytelling techniques to convey the organization's mission and vision in a compelling way, as well as incorporating elements of gamification to make engagement initiatives more interactive and enjoyable. Additionally, organizations can leverage social media and digital platforms to foster a sense of community and connection among employees, encouraging them to share their experiences and ideas. By employing marketing tactics such as segmentation, personalization, and feedback loops, organizations can tailor their engagement efforts to the specific needs and preferences of different employee segments, ultimately leading to higher levels of satisfaction, commitment, and productivity within the workforce.

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