Factors affecting the Performance of Undergraduate Students in India: An Empirical Validation of Conceptual Model

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Asjad Usmani, Vineeta Jha, Ismail Thamarasseri, Niraj Kishore Chimote, Jasmit Kaur, Yogieta S Mehra


The study's purpose was to determine the factors and mechanisms influencing the  performance of Indian university students. Using a questionnaire survey, data was gathered for this purpose during university opening day office hours, and SPSS-20 was used for analysis. The coefficient summary indicates that the beta values of 0.962 and 0.711 accurately reflect the effects of all factors on students' performance. The study discovered that a student's grades can be influenced by a number different elements, including the quality of the faculty's instruction, the student's study habits, the learning environment, and extracurricular activities. If the college's teaching faculty uses effective teaching strategies, provides enough learning facilities, and enhances the campus environment, student performance will improve in the future.

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