Exploring Determinants Affecting Technology Adoption of Electronic Medical Records among Health Care Professionals in Mumbai

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Mahesh Manohar Bhanushali, Smita Jape, Dinesh Sonkul


supporting healthcare services of developed nations across the globe. The adoption of EMR Systems has transformed the way in which healthcare facilities, practitioners effectively interact among themselves and with patients by increasing efficiency, privacy, interoperability of health data.                                                                   Purpose: Adoption of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in government and private hospitals is a concern for developing countries like India. The purpose of a study is to verify the awareness and uses of EMR system among the doctors, health care professionals in Mumbai and to discover the factors as well as challenges for this technology adoption and usage.

Methodology: This research is descriptive and exploratory in nature. The primary data is collected from 116 health care professionals in India in the form of structured questionnaire. Data is analysed in SPSS.

Results: Cost of the software, Time availability, technical competence of existing manpower and percentage footfall have significant impact on EMR adoption among the healthcare professionals in Mumbai. Given the rapid technological advancements of the last decade, Indian hospitals and healthcare professionals are still less than expected to implement Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems. Indian government and private hospitals have limited IT infrastructure and medical record systems (Ayers et al., 2009).

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