Occupational Stress: Its Causes and Consequences in Police Forces

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Harish Chandra Singh Negi, Anamika Pandey, Vivek Aggarwal, Sheetal Negi, Pratibha Pandey


This research paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature on occupational stress in police personnel, with a focus on its causes and consequences. Given the potential impact of occupational stress on police personnel and their ability to perform their duties effectively, it is essential to understand its causes and consequences. The causes of occupational stress in police personnel are explored, including factors such as shift work, high workload, exposure to traumatic events, and the need to make quick and potentially life-altering decisions. The paper also delves into the consequences of occupational stress, such as physical health problems, burnout, and reduced job performance. Additionally, the paper considers the impact of occupational stress on the overall well-being of police personnel and their ability to carry out their duties effectively.

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