Strategic Management in Higher Education: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities

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Rajiv U Kalebar, Swetha. N, AVR Mahadev, Naveen C L, Diganta Kumar Das


Strategic management helps higher education institutions overcome difficulties and seize opportunities in a changing environment. Strategic management is essential for higher education institutions to survive and thrive in the face of rising competition, changing student demographics, technology advances, and changing regulations. Strategic management in higher education involves planning, implementing, and assessing strategies to meet organizational goals and accomplish the institution's mission and vision. Strategically aligning institutional resources, capabilities, and activities with external environmental elements positions the institution for success. This study sets the stage for exploring the multifaceted dimensions of strategic management in higher education. It highlights the importance of strategic foresight, adaptability, and innovation in addressing current challenges and seizing future opportunities. By embracing strategic management principles, higher education institutions can enhance their competitive advantage, foster academic excellence, and effectively respond to the dynamic demands of the 21st-century educational landscape. The strategic approaches required for effective management within the higher education sector. The focus is on understanding the unique challenges and opportunities faced by institutions of higher learning and developing strategies to address them.

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