Construction and Standardization of Composite Sustainability Scale for GHRM practices with reference to Red Category Industry
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This research paper describes the method of construction and standardization of a tool to measure the sustainability scale of GHRM practices Industry. One hundred twenty parties belonging to the specified four sectors participated in this research for the preparation of the initial draft of the sustainability scale included 89 items. The number of items was reduced to 36 after a review of the items done by item analysis. EFA was performed on the acquired data. EFA found that 14 items with factor loadings greater than 0.50 were chosen. These items are classified under organizational sustainability, social sustainability, and environmental sustainability. Further CFA was executed on 14 items, and the CFA results supported EFA results. All of the goodness of fit criteria indicated that the model is effective. The reliability coefficient of the sustainability scale using Guttman split half and Cronbach’s alpha methods were 0.90, and 0.94respectively. Norms show that 22.5 percent of the factors belong to the high sustainability while 60 percent of the factors are in the average sustainability group, and 17.5 percent were in the low sustainability group.