Influence of Psychological Factors on English communication of college students in India
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The foremost objective of this study is to find the Psychological factors & their influence on English communication of college students in North India and to find the best possible ways to deal with the challenges of Psychological factors on college students. For these objectives, two-part questionnaires were distributed to gather data. The demographic information of the respondents, including age, gender, study programme, and semester, was covered in the first section of the questionnaire. The questionnaire's second section was made up of closed-ended questions. The proposed model includes factors such as Fear of Mistakes (FOM), Shyness (SHY), Anxiety (ANX), Lack of Confidence (LOC), Lack of Self-esteem (LSE), Lack of Motivation (LOM), Cognitive Structure (CS), Lack of Learning Attitude (LLA) and English Communication (EC) and all of the factors were established and evaluated with the use of already available tools. Amongst all the factors taken under consideration, the highest level of correlation (0.942) was found between Lack of Motivation (LOM) and Lack of Self-esteem (LSE) variables and the lowest significant relationship (0.729) was between Shyness (SHY) and Fear of Mistakes (FOM). Consequently, it has been discovered that shyness, anxiety, and poor cognitive structure are the primary psychological factors preventing students from speaking in class. Thus, to help them get over the psychological barriers that prevent them from speaking in English, students offered alternatives such as engaging activities, the role of the teacher, a positive learning environment, and a strong relationship between the teacher and students.