Entrepreneurship, Innovation, And Venture Development Impact on Economic Growth in Indian Experience
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The formation of economic growth depends heavily on entrepreneurship, innovation, and venture improvement, all of which have a profound impact on Indian experience. Business folks are those who labor and make business. In essence, entrepreneurship is the ability to start, grow, and ultimately profit from a risk-averse business venture. Every visionary businessperson plans to make money to ease their own anxieties. Another link between entrepreneurship and innovation is the conversion of new ideas into businesses, which eventually generate employment and benefits for the economy. As a result, entrepreneurs play a role in the expansion of economies. According to Schumpeter, increased speculative activity and business highs and lows in an economy are mostly explained by innovation in business. Indian women entrepreneurs are now having a significant impact on society as a whole. Indian women are beginning to take the lead, launch their own companies, and develop into visionaries in the commercial world. They are also progressing in their areas of expertise. This shows that most women in our culture are polite and able to run a business, which encourages economic growth. As such, the emphasis also centers on the woman entrepreneur's commitment to the general public. By placing business owners in precarious and difficult situations, it assists them in deciding whether to adopt these new technologies. This essay will also discuss the goal of innovation for corporate expansion and how it affects the long-term viability of the Indian economy.