Role of Investment Objectives in Deciding Investment Planning: An Empirical Study of Middle-Aged Salaried Investors

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Smitha Kothari, Arvind Mohan


The current study investigates the connection between individual investment plans to determine the causes of people's lack of investment. This report reviewed the body of knowledge on an individual's investment behavior. Research articles have been gathered from various sources to check the literature. Numerous journals are resorted to in the planning of individual investors. Results imply that investment knowledge and a person's investment plans are influenced. In addition to income, education, age, risk, and return, risk and return significantly impact investment planning. The study's findings indicate that people are not risk-takers and prefer to invest in securities with low risk and modest returns. Personal financial management is financial literacy. Financial matters, such as investments and a budget, are the capacity for understanding and efficient skill utilization. Has investment behavior, pattern, risk preferences, decision-making, and choice-making been the basis of your connection with money and making investments in the hope of receiving a favorable return or income in the future is financial literacy.

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