Influence of Green-Marketing on Organisations' Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Study

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Shivani Solanki, Girish Lakhera


This empirical study examines the impact of green marketing on an organization's competitive advantage. Green marketing has become an increasingly important aspect of business in recent years, as organizations have begun to recognize the importance of sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. The findings of this study show that green marketing has a beneficial impact on an organization's ability to compete, and that this impact is mediated by brand perception, customer loyalty, and environmental performance. Green marketing initiatives improve a company's environmental performance, which benefits its brand reputation and consumer loyalty. The survey also emphasises how crucial it is for businesses to incorporate green marketing into their overall marketing plans in order to get a competitive edge. The findings have important ramifications for businesses looking to increase their competitive edge through the adoption of sustainable practises and efficient consumer outreach. This study makes a comparison among those organizations which practice green marketing and which does not practice green marketing (90 from each category).

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