Consumer Choice Behavior among Non-Governmental Organizations: Structural Effects of Consumption Values
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Current research work incorporates the theory of consumption values to examine consumer choice behavior concerning Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). In the context of NGOs, this study aims to ascertain whether there is a substantial correlation between consumption values and consumer choice behavior. This study employed the following consumption values: social, functional, conditional, emotional, and epistemic. Data were collected from 1000 respondents. The profiles of the respondents were described using SPSS. The Measurement and Structural Model was utilized to illustrate predictive significance through Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The study's findings indicate that while conditional value has a negligible association with consumer choice behavior, functional, social, emotional, and epistemic values are highly correlated. Further, using Importance Performance Map Analysis, it is analyzed that Emotional Value significantly affects CCB importance and is rated high by respondents on performance.