Does Employee Satisfaction (ES) lead to Employee Commitment (EC)? Scenarios of Private Sector banks
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The study examines the degree of employee satisfaction from the different factors that affect employee commitment. Basically, the relationship between the factors of job satisfaction and employees commitment on private sector bank employees is examined. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire. The sample size consists of 143 banks employees of different branches of a leading private sector bank in twin city of Odisha i.e. Cuttack and Bhuabneswar. The research instrument of content and construct reliability and validity was tested. Data were analysed using Frequency distribution, Factor Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling and Regression analysis. This study shows that job satisfaction is inherently interwoven with organisational commitment. Since organisational commitment has a direct impact on employee retention, performance and organisational behaviour, it is essential to meet the required conditions for its existence.