Perceiving Major Skill Sets: A Study of Leaders and Employees in Select Small and Medium IT Companies of Northern India
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A leader plays an influential role in inspiring his employees to undergo changes and in expanding the organizational opportunities. Leaders get opportunity to lead ,not because of there designation,but because their subordinates acknowledge their role and anticipate them to lead.Extensive researches have projected that leaders & followers have always perceived the value of their relationships differently. At this point, the leader’s awareness of the differences in their own perception and what their followers perceive is a critical matter.The objective of the research is to study perception of leaders and employees with regard to leadership styles, communication,emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and motivation. It has been calculated using independent t-test.The sample included 265 employees of select small and medium IT companies of northern India.The study has revealed the perception of leaders and employees vis-a-vis leadership styles,Communication,emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and motivation.The study has suggested that two way communication should be encouraged between leaders and the team mates in order to improve the perceptual difference between the leaders and employees with regard to leadership styles.It has also suggested to work on raising the organizational commitment level and improving on motivational practices in organizations and arranging workshops on improving emotional intelligence so as to reduce the difference between perception of leaders and employees with regard to skill sets -motivation,communication,emotional intelligence and organizational commitment.Lastly it has suggested the measures to improve perceptual skill sets of leaders.