Challenges and possibilities in addressing health and nutrition issues for gender mainstreaming through panchayati raj institutes

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Sudhinder Singh Chowhan, Goutam Sadhu


Background: The study aimed to investigate knowledge, attitudes, and practices concerning health and nutrition from a gender perspective among elected representatives in India's Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). This research was conducted to understand the gender dynamics within PRIs and how they affect the implementation and monitoring of health and nutrition programs. Eighty-six elected representatives were interviewed using Key Informant Interviews across six blocks of the Khunti District of Jharkhand. The study had a gender representation of 54% male and 46% female participants.

Methodology: This study collected quantitative data from Key Informant Interviews with elected representatives and panchayat-level functionaries. This approach facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the participants' knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding health, nutrition, and gender issues.

Results: The findings revealed a moderate understanding of health, nutrition, and gender issues at the Gram Panchayat level. Participants generally had positive attitudes toward implementing and monitoring health and nutrition programs. However, the study highlighted significant challenges, such as a lack of coordination and collaboration between different sectors within the PRI system. Additionally, some female representatives reported not receiving adequate support from the administration and expressed concerns that male members might obstruct gender equality efforts, with instances where women's roles were undermined by their male counterparts.

Conclusions: The research concluded that to enhance gender mainstreaming in PRIs, gender-specific training for both male and female representatives is needed. Training should focus on women's roles and involvement in decision-making processes. Furthermore, it is essential to equip elected women representatives with the skills necessary to participate actively in the development process. The study recommended gender awareness workshops to promote women's rights and gender equality within local governance. It also emphasized the importance of improving access to information, fostering meaningful participation, addressing power imbalances, and offering capacity-building opportunities to effectively integrate gender perspectives in addressing health, nutrition, and other relevant issues within PRIs.

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