The Impact of Layoffs on Organizational Culture and Employee Morale in IT Companies

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S. M. Raihan Uddin


Within the context of Information Technology (IT) enterprises, this research article explores the multiple effects of layoffs on organisational culture and employee morale. As a deliberate reaction to economic constraints, technological developments, organisational restructuring, or both, layoffs have unfortunately become commonplace in today's ever-changing corporate environment. Beyond the short-term monetary benefits, however, such staff cutbacks have far-reaching effects on the culture of the company and the mental health of the surviving workers.This research seeks to shed light on the complex relationship between layoffs, organisational culture, and employee morale in IT organisations by doing a thorough literature review and analysing empirical data. It looks at how layoffs affect trust, how they affect established cultural norms, and how they make workers fearful and unsure using qualitative and quantitative methods. In addition, the study analyses how company executives may help their employees bounce back from layoffs by reducing their impact on morale and culture and increasing team spirit.This study provides valuable insights for organisational executives, human resource practitioners, and researchers by shedding light on the difficulties of layoffs in IT organisations. Organisations may maintain employee engagement, loyalty, and organisational success during challenging times by acknowledging the significant influence of layoffs on morale and culture. This will allow for more thoughtful and strategic workforce management strategies.

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