Benefits and challenges of Flipped Classroom Approach in College Education: A Quantitative Investigation
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In light of the potential benefits, the flipped classroom approach has gained popularity in Indian college education, but it also has some drawbacks. This pedagogical approach involves flipping the conventional learning model, in which students individually review course materials before to class, and class time is devoted to interactive discussions and activities.The Flipped Classroom Approach's support of active learning is one of its main benefits. Prior to class, students actively engage with the subject, better preparing them for in-depth conversations during lectures. As they are encouraged to do so before asking for clarification in class, it also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.Additionally, it improves student-teacher connection because teachers have more time to answer particular queries and offer tailored advice.It also offers difficulties with regard to student preparation for self-directed learning, access to technology, and the requirement for careful instructional design. Its implementation should therefore be carefully thought out in the context of particular courses and the composition of learners. The researcher had conducted the study survey with the help of a questionnaire on 215 respondents from educational sector to know benefits, challenges and impact of flipped classroom approach in college education and the study concludes that there is significant impact of flipped classroom approach in college education. Active Learning, Flexible Learning Environment, Access to Technology and Student Resistance are the factors that shows Benefits and challenges of Flipped Classroom Approach in College Education.