Performance Measurement of Digitalisation Strategies by 21st Century Businesses: An Empirical Study

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Anand Muley, Chanpreet Kaur Gulati, Gunjan Gupta, Sunil R Hegde


The current business scenario is a buzz with the concept of digitalization, influence companies to undergo quick transformations. However, it is essential to understand that every business progresses at its own pace and yield varied outcomes. The focus of technological transformation must revolve around optimization of operational processes, enrichment of customer experiences, and reshaping business models. Effective business transformation requires strong leadership from management. Digitalization plays an essential role in enhancement of performance of Indian businesses and overcoming financial difficulties as it offers alternate options of financing. The increased convenience to alternate finance has significantly elevated the operational performance, profitability, and productivity of SMEs in India. It's vital to note that digitalizing a business doesn't mean creating an entirely new entity. Rather, it involves remodelling present business to leverage present assets in novel ways. Companies worldwide aspire to invest in Digital India, recognizing it as a growth opportunity in the 21st century. A sample of 219 respondents was collected from different business sectors.

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