The Cultural Identities of Teachers of French Language in CBSE Schools

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Shubhankshi Rajawat, Tanuja Yadav


The Cultural Identity of French teachers in schools across Rajasthan is a multidimensional phenomenon influenced by a diverse array of factors. As these educators navigate the intricate landscape of foreign language instruction, their effectiveness in the classroom is shaped not only by their linguistic proficiency but also by a complex interplay of contextual, social, and cultural elements. The cultural identity of teachers is not an isolated facet of their existence; rather, it is deeply intertwined with their profession, pedagogy, and interactions with students. This critical analysis explores the intricate interplay of factors that influence the cultural identity of French teachers in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools in India. French teachers in CBSE schools are often confronted with a unique blend of cultural influences that shape their professional and personal identities. This study delves into the multifaceted dimensions of this phenomenon and investigates the factors that influence in shaping the cultural identity of a French Teacher. It also tries to put forward the third space experiences faced by French teachers in maintaining and negotiating their cultural identity in the Indian educational landscape.

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