An Analytical Study on Opportunities and Challenges towards Implementation of Industry 4.0 Tools for Manufacturing SMEs in Karnataka

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Samapika Satapathy, M A Rasheed, Santanu Kumar Das, D N Choudhury


In the era of Industry 4.0, there is a significant shift in manufacturing paradigms, offering substantial opportunities for operational efficiency, product quality, and supply chain integration. However, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Karnataka face numerous challenges in adopting these advanced technologies. This study investigates the readiness and capacity of manufacturing SMEs in Karnataka to implement Industry 4.0 tools, focusing on financial capacity, workforce skills, infrastructure support, and comparative regional analysis. Data were collected from ten SMEs through structured questionnaires and discussions with officials, supplemented by secondary data from books, research papers, journals, annual reports, and websites. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, employing descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and ANOVA. The findings reveal moderate to strong correlations between financial capacity, workforce skills, and infrastructure support, highlighting the interconnected nature of these factors. Despite uniform challenges across industries, Karnataka's SMEs demonstrate a high level of readiness and capacity for digital transformation, suggesting that broad-based initiatives could effectively support their adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies. The study provides actionable insights for policymakers and business leaders to facilitate the successful implementation of these advanced manufacturing tools.

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