The Impact of HR Policies on Women's Career Progression and Leadership Roles in Corporate Organizations
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opportunities in employee-room businesses. Also, it focuses on what measures were taken regarding the strategies for equal opportunities in staffing, mentoring, remuneration, flexible working, and board and executive committees’ diversity to advance more women to leadership positions. Applying the paradigm of combined quantitative and qualitative research, the research incorporates views and opinions collected from interviews and focus groups combined with the analysis of quantitative data provided by companies’ Human Resource departments. Some highlights are as follows: overly crucial discoveries show that women’s career mobility is significantly supported by the inclusive policies, while these women are restrained by systemic prejudices and disparities in implementation of the advancements. Binaries of best practices revealed how common-sense interventions, including academic and professional development workshops and other gender-mainstreaming strategies, such as flexibility, impacted organizational change favorably for women. Additionally, the research throws the spotlight on the need to nurture organisational structures that are friendly to the advancement of women professionals.