Need of Life Skill Techniques Among Youth and Challenges Faced by Teachers

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Karishma Rohera, Mahima Birla


Background: A person's overall set of life skills includes those that contribute to their happiness, health, and capacity for growth and development. Inspiring young people to prioritise their health, form meaningful connections with others, and make meaningful contributions to society are these fundamental life skills.

Our future lies in the hands of the young. Their contributions to the country's social, political, and economic growth are immeasurable. When we think about youth, it's best as a time when we're moving from being completely reliant on others as children to being fully autonomous as adults. It is believed that young people will adapt effortlessly to the complicated and dynamic environments in which they find themselves. As a whole, young people are thought of as being unfit for the workforce.

There is a gap between the Academic skills and the real-life skills required to be successful and productive in life.  Skills relevant to survive in the workplace are also changing as per the times.  Both technical and soft skills are often not covered in traditional education systems, employers often find a skills mismatch between the competencies youth need to excel in the workplace and those they actually possess.

In addition to the academic, vocational and technical skills the focus is now building to develop the competencies required to meet the uncertainties of the changing world. The youth today face severe challenges which hinder their progress and development. Some of the challenges faced by them are competition, peer pressure, social media addiction, cyber bullying, lack of focus, mental health issues, Body image anxieties, drug and alcohol abuse. There is an increasingly strong focus on developing comprehensive Life skill training for the youth. So that they become empowered responsible citizens of the world.

The study focuses on the demand for life skills among the youth and the various challenges that teachers confront. Based on secondary data, the study aims to comprehend how life skill practices assist youth in overcoming a variety of obstacles with a positive mindset.

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