Investigating Personalized Marketing Techniques and Their Impact on Consumer Engagement

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Ragu Prasadh Rajendran, Kumari Shilpi, Simnalika Kushwaha, Sudarshan A. Pawar, Susil Kumar Sarangi


Personalized marketing has transformed the manner in which organizations engage with consumers, providing customized experiences that closely match individual interests and habits. This study explores the methodologies and tactics employed in personalized marketing and evaluates their influence on consumer engagement. The research analyzes crucial factors such as data use, segmentation, tailored content, and the application of artificial intelligence through a thorough analysis of current practices. The results suggest that tailored marketing has a substantial impact on consumer engagement by providing more pertinent and timely communications, hence enhancing customer experience, conversion rates, and brand loyalty. Nevertheless, the report also emphasizes the difficulties linked to the incorporation of technology, concerns over the privacy of data, and the preparedness of organizations. To fully capitalize on the advantages of personalized marketing, it is essential to tackle these obstacles by making smart investments in technology and implementing ethical data procedures. This study offers significant information for marketers that want to utilize personalization to establish stronger consumer relationships and get a competitive edge in the digital marketplace.

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