Challenges for women employees in Haryana and Punjab A Comparative Study

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Pooja Prakash Srivastava, Neha Saini


Indian states of Haryana and Punjab present numerous difficulties for female employees. Uneven opportunities and limited job advancement are caused by gender bias, which is still a major barrier. A hostile work environment is caused by ongoing safety issues, including harassment. Social pressures and a lack of accessible childcare make it difficult to strike a balance between work and life. Women's underrepresentation in leadership positions also prevents them from receiving crucial mentoring and impedes their ability to advance in their careers. These challenges are exacerbated by poor legislative implementation, particularly in relation to maternity leave and workplace flexibility. A further barrier to women's access to career prospects is educational inequality. It is essential to address these problems if we are to create for women in these states a workplace that is egalitarian, inclusive, and powerful.In Haryana and Punjab, cultural biases and traditions also persist, making it difficult for women's abilities and talents to be appreciated at work. In order to ensure that women have equal opportunities and can fully participate in the workforce, it is imperative that society and policymakers work together to address these deeply ingrained issues.Sample of 220 women employees from different occupational sectors were surveyed to know and compare the challenges for women employees in Haryana and Punjaband concludes that there is significant difference in terms of different challenges between the women employees of Haryana and Panjab state.

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