Spiritual Literature in Our Contemporary World: An Analytical Study

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Mamta Garg, Rakesh Gupta


The contemporary world that we dwell in instils in us the capacity to just survive, more than live. In our quest to reach – be it our targets, goals, destinations or what not, we keep running, sometimes even a race. Thus, tests, trials and tribulations are indispensable. Our going to the malls, cinemas and the like does not really serve the purpose of finding everlasting happiness and we find ourselves in the same knotted basket of gloom. And, if people wish to practice spirituality, they often find themselves to be “spiritually allergic”, as Sadhguru terms it, since they believe that they have to leave everything behind and go to the mountains without understanding that spirituality is not a fruit to be plucked from the crest of a mountain but a flower that blooms within if we water and nurture our inner being. Sadhguru provides a one-line solution to the problems that we face, he says; “Turn inward”. Spiritual growth stands for growth that one takes inwards than in the visible world.  Inward growth, that dives into the deep within to explore and surf to discover the real self, is the real search we all take, sooner or later in our lives. Spiritual literature, a towering genre, has been a forever companion of human beings since times immemorial and has held human beings in the palms of its hands in times of war and conflict and provided refuge in stormy times. A survey of 340 + respondents and the interview bring to the fore people’s understanding of spirituality, its need in the contemporary world, the connection between spiritual literature and spiritual growth and the future trends or directions for spiritual literature in a rapidly changing world. Most of the respondents have their own understanding of spirituality, and consider that it plays a crucial role in life as it provides meaning and purpose to life and understand that spiritual transformation is necessary as it leads one to a life that is unruffled by the ebb and flow. Majority of the respondents strongly agree that spiritual literature has the power to bring about spiritual growth and envision a convergence of ancient wisdom with contemporary issues with a notable shift in the dissemination of spiritual insights, with a surge in digital platforms such as online forums, e-books, podcasts, and apps, expanding accessibility to a diverse audience.

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