Self-Symmetrical Pattern of Picture Condensing Using an Iterative Function System by Using Outline-Identical Systems Based on Image Based Data Sets.

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D. Saravanan, Prince Vijay, Anusha Sreeram


The idea behind shape-based image condense is to identify subclass of the single split picture location that can be renewed by means of an iterative function system (IFS). Various techniques exist, such as refined image-identical or outline-identical systems based on numerical and trained data sets. However, these methods typically consume a significant amount of time when applied to the fractal IFS algorithm. Increasing search speed poses a major challenge in fractal image compression. In the shape-based image compression technique, the R array sets of images are compared with the original image set P. This necessitates performing DxR block matching. If all these DxR block matching processes are carried out with N possible geometric and intensity transformations, it will undoubtedly result in a time-consuming procedure. Some existing techniques have achieved comparatively fast compression times, making the IFS algorithm an intriguing candidate for compression. In this paper, a self-organizing map-constructed clustered IFS scheme is proposed for further improvement.

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