Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Informatics: Opportunities and Challenges

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Pushkarprabhat D Saxena, Krishna Mayi, R. Arun, S. Santhosh Kumar, Biswo Ranjan Mishra, K. B. Praveen


                Healthcare informatics, a field that integrates information technology, computer science, and healthcare, is crucial for managing and analyzing data, contributing to academic research, improving patient care, and enhancing healthcare systems. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare informatics has revolutionized diagnostics, treatment planning, and administrative processes. This research explores the impact of AI on healthcare informatics, focusing on opportunities such as improved diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and streamlined administrative processes. Challenges include data privacy, ethical considerations, algorithmic bias, and standardized practices. The study highlights the transformative impact of AI while highlighting the intricacies and essential factors for its seamless integration into healthcare systems. It contributes significantly to the dynamic realm of healthcare informatics.

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