Use Of Enhanced Artificial Intelligence in Security Business Management in The Digital Economy Era

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Dr. Sarika, Dr. Mohd Naved, Dr. Amit Jain, Dr. Niharika Bajeja, Pranjal Rawat, Dr. Christabell Joseph


Enhanced use of artificial intelligence (AI) in security business management offers the potential to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve danger detection in the age of the digital economy. Examples from businesses like Amazon, Cisco Systems, and JP Morgan Chase highlight how AI is revolutionizing security procedures. Nonetheless, there are obstacles because of privacy and ethical issues as well as an ongoing skills shortage in the field. The U.S. lacks 150,000 AI specialists, which is preventing AI from reaching its full potential, according to the 2020 LinkedIn AI report. This comprehensive analysis delves into the complex world of artificial intelligence (AI) in security, providing advice for enterprises and highlighting the critical need to close the skills gap in order to effectively utilize AI's potential for safeguarding operations in the age of the digital economy.

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