The Impact of Digital Marketing and Digital Transformation on E-Commerce, Positioning and Brand Promotion

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Dr. Neelam Sheoliha, Bibi Hajira, Dr. Ambrish Singh, Pranjal Rawat, Dr. Priyanka Rawal, Dr Ankush Sharma


Digital marketing and transformation have a significant including far-reaching influence on brand promotion, and positioning, alongside e-commerce in the digital era. The paper examines the way companies employ digital tactics to promote brand recognition and commercial success. Researchers examine major businesses like Amazon, Netflix, Airbnb, Nike, & Starbucks in order to acquire data-rich insights regarding how effective digital marketing is at improving brand recognition alongside e-commerce sales. It underlines the significance of social media, and omnichannel tactics, including data-driven decision-making. It tackles issues which include data privacy, ROI calculation, and technology adaption. The past ten years have seen a rapid evolution of both the academic eMarketing literature and marketing in the digital environment. This evolution has been fuelled by new business models and technological advancements that have changed the information that can be utilised by businesses to make decisions. To successfully recoup the substantial expenditures made in digitalization, new avenues for profit-generating must be created. This investigation highlights how digital tactics could have a revolutionary impact on consumer behaviour alongside environmental sustainability. Future advances are promised, even though there will continue to be difficulties to be conquered as the digital environment changes.

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