A Systematic Approach on Customer Relationship Management Practices in Non-banking Companies

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Swapna Datta Khan, G. Gokul kumari, Dr Shathaboina Raju, Mrs. Alamelu Mangai S, Dr. K. S. Kavitha, Mohd Aarif


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices are vital for the success of non-banking companies. These practices go beyond mere transactions and are pivotal in fostering strong, enduring relationships with customers. Non-banking companies can begin by collecting and managing customer data efficiently, allowing them to tailor their interactions and offerings to individual preferences. Segmentation helps in categorizing customers for more targeted engagement. Personalization and multi-channel communication ensure that customers feel valued and heard. Effective customer support, including prompt issue resolution, further solidifies these relationships. Moreover, non-banking companies should actively seek and act upon customer feedback, constantly striving to enhance their products and services. Strategies like cross-selling and upselling should be executed thoughtfully, aiming to benefit the customer rather than imposing additional sales. Loyalty programs can incentivize repeat business, while well-trained and empowered employees serve as the face of the company in customer interactions. Data analytics provides valuable insights, enabling data-driven decisions, and ongoing monitoring ensures that CRM practices evolve with changing customer needs. Compliance with data protection regulations and data security measures are essential to maintain customer trust. In sum, effective CRM practices in non-banking companies are integral to nurturing customer loyalty, enhancing brand reputation, and achieving long-term success.

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