Retailers Perception and Preference towards Patronizing Industrial Products: Industrial Flat Glass Products as Base Case

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Praveen Paul Jeyapaul, Aravindkumar Thiyagarajan


The industrial flat glass sector plays a vital role in supplying different glass products offering a wide range of products to various needs in numerous industries such as infrastructure, automotive, construction, etc. The research purports to explore the perceptions and preference of industrial flat glass retailers towards patronisation and promotion of brands of industrial glass products. This study also aims to know the retailer awareness level and the factors influencing their opinion towards industrial glass products. A methodical survey was created to gather the necessary primary data. Convenience sampling was used to gather data from 112 retailers of industrial glass products. Simple linear regression and chi-square test were used to examine the gathered data. The analysis's conclusion indicates that there is a substantial correlation between brand preference and location, but not between retailer awareness of industrial glass products and location. Further it was found that there is a significant relationship between product quality, brand reputation, profitability, services offered by glass manufacturers to retailers with overall satisfaction of retailers towards industrial glass products.

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