Empowering Indian Students Through Android Based Financial Literacy: A Theoretical Approach

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Ankita Kumari, Dr. Pavnesh Kumar


In the digital transformation era, the intersection of financial literacy education and technological innovation presents a dynamic approach to equipping Indian students with essential life skills. The main aim of this paper is to explore the theoretical framework and practical implications of harnessing Android-based platforms to empower Indian students with financial literacy knowledge. With India's growing youth population and increasing smartphone penetration, Android-based learning provides an accessible and engaging avenue for delivering tailored financial education. By fostering a deep understanding of financial concepts, encouraging practical application, and promoting responsible financial behaviours, this paper advocates for the potential of Android-based financial literacy education to contribute significantly to the economic well-being and empowerment of Indian students. As India navigates a rapidly changing economic landscape, this paper emphasizes the importance of preparing the next generation with the skills they need to navigate financial complexities confidently. Through this intersection of education and technology, the article envisions a future where Indian students are equipped to make informed financial decisions, positively impacting their lives and contributing to the nation's progress.

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