Impact of Transformational Leadership and Creative Self-Efficacy on Innovative Work Behavior in Mobile Application Services

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Anuja Sehgal, Neelam Saxena


BACKGROUND: Hi-tech engineers in mobile application development services must sincerely endeavor intellectually to create real-value enterprising applications for potential societal problems.

OBJECTIVE: This paper gauges the dominating effect of transformational leadership of engineers on innovative work behavior for creative, valuable innovations and explores the effectual mediation of creative self-efficacy for innovative work outcome effectiveness.

METHODS: The study tidied 232 over 245 response data (94.7%) from engineer intrapreneurs working in location-based (mobile application development) service organizations for analysis (including 53.5% individual contributors and 46.5% engineer managers).  Linear regression analysis was put together in SPSS (Statistical Intelligence Software) to decipher the extending interrelationships between variables.

RESULTS:The paper gives awe-inspiring information on the interdependent associations between ITL (Intrapreneur’s Transformational Leadership Direction), ICE (Creative Self Efficacy), and IWB (Innovative Work Behavior) of these Hi-tech engineers. The study creates a sound understanding that other than transformational leadership development, round-the-clock fine-tuning of creative self-efficacy can advance razor-sharp efficiency in innovative projections.

CONCLUSIONS: Software companies should accelerate improvements in creative self-efficacy and transformational leadership training for their engineering intrapreneurs for offering better user experiences. Organizations must invest in hiring the right, skilling engineers with creative thinking power, and intelligent situation-specific solutions for conventional societal issues.

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